Greater Use of Geothermal Energy Ahead in Hungary - Doubled Within A Decade?
- 17 Dec 2024 7:35 AM

Lantos said geothermal energy currently covers 6pc of Hungary energy consumption and he expressed his hope its share can be doubled within a decade.
During Monday’s meeting, among other things, energy ministers will be presented a report on the future of geothermal energy, they will hold a discussion on the future of energy policy in view of a genuine energy union and the Commission and the Hungarian presidency will provide follow-up information to the EU action plan on grids.
Meanwhile, Lake Tisza undergoes HUF 124m development
The Central Tisza Region Water Management Directorate said on Saturday that HUF 124m of domestic funds will be spent on the development and maintenance of Lake Tisza.
The project is set to wind up next year and includes improving the conditions for leisure boating on the lake and replacing the tourist information board system.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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