Updated: 2025 to Be "Terrible Year" Claims Leader of Hungarian Opposition DK

  • 24 Jan 2025 8:24 AM
Updated: 2025 to Be "Terrible Year" Claims Leader of Hungarian Opposition DK
Hungary is drifting and lagging behind, and 2025 is shaping up to be a "terrible year, not a fantastic one", Ferenc Gyurcsany, the leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), told a press conference on Wednesday.

Gyurcsany has been reelected as party leader by party members in an online vote held between Jan 10 and 20.

At the press conference, Gyurcsany said he expected growth to lag behind expectations and inflation to be higher than the target, while problems plaguing health care and public education would go unsolved.

He welcomed DK's proposal to parliament to discuss dissolving parliament and calling early elections.

Gyurcsany said DK was preparing for an "intense political year", adding that a stronger European Union, "a United States of Europe" was needed.

The world under the influence of US President Donald Trump "will be a terrible world", he said. "It will be a good time for the strong, powerful and privileged, those who don't like restrictions for the sake of public good ... but it will be a difficult time for those who want a calm, everyday, prosperous life."

While Trump, American billionaire Elon Musk and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban "are on the side of the powerful, strong and privileged", DK will continue to work for those who want less influence in their hands and more opportunities for those "who just want to live their calm, everyday lives", he said.

"Year 2025 would see conflict after conflict," Gyurcsany said. "Donald Trump wants Greenland and Panama, the Chinese president wants Taiwan increasingly openly" and Putin "is marching in Ukraine, he said. "Hungary must stay at a safe distance from those conflicts; currently, the greatest obstacle to that is the Hungarian prime minister."

DK is holding its annual congress on February 2, when they will elect its leadership, and Gyurcsany is set to give a speech evaluating 202 before parliament's opening session, he said.

Asked about the opposition Tisza Party, Gyurcsany said the most important meeting point was that both parties thought the incumbent government was harming the country. "We both think that it is our duty as well as responsibility ... to send them packing."

DK is fielding its candidates continuously for next year's general elections, and will start cooperation talks with all candidates named, "but those wanting to cooperate will have to be ready for some kind of compromise."

DK was confident they would clear the parliamentary threshold, he said.

Meanwhile, Democratic Coalition reelects Gyurcsany chair

The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has reelected Ferenc Gyurcsany as its leader, the party said.

DK is "the only party in which the chairman is not elected by a small circle of delegates but by all members with voting rights," the statement said, adding that fully 97 percent of the membership had supported Gyurcsany in the vote conducted online between January 10 and 20.

Vice-chairpersons and other officials of the party will be elected by a DK congress to be held on February 2, the statement said.

Gyurcsany: Hungary 'drifting, lagging behind'

Hungary is drifting and lagging behind, and 2025 is shaping up to be a "terrible year, not a fantastic one", Ferenc Gyurcsany, the leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), told a press conference.

Gyurcsany has been reelected as party leader by party members in an online vote held between Jan 10 and 20.

At the press conference, Gyurcsany said he expected growth to lag behind expectations and inflation to be higher than the target, while problems plaguing health care and public education would go unsolved.

He welcomed DK's proposal to parliament to discuss dissolving parliament and calling early elections.

Gyurcsany said DK was preparing for an "intense political year", adding that a stronger European Union, "a United States of Europe" was needed.

The world under the influence of US President Donald Trump "will be a terrible world", he said. "It will be a good time for the strong, powerful and privileged, those who don't like restrictions for the sake of public good ... but it will be a difficult time for those who want a calm, everyday, prosperous life."

While Trump, American billionaire Elon Musk and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban "are on the side of the powerful, strong and privileged", DK will continue to work for those who want less influence in their hands and more opportunities for those "who just want to live their calm, everyday lives", he said.

"Year 2025 would see conflict after conflict," Gyurcsany said. "Donald Trump wants Greenland and Panama, the Chinese president wants Taiwan increasingly openly" and Putin "is marching in Ukraine, he said. "Hungary must stay at a safe distance from those conflicts; currently, the greatest obstacle to that is the Hungarian prime minister."

DK is holding its annual congress on February 2, when they will elect its leadership, and Gyurcsany is set to give a speech evaluating 202 before parliament's opening session, he said.

Asked about the opposition Tisza Party, Gyurcsany said the most important meeting point was that both parties thought the incumbent government was harming the country. 

"We both think that it is our duty as well as responsibility ... to send them packing." DK is fielding its candidates continuously for next year's general elections, and will start cooperation talks with all candidates named, "but those wanting to cooperate will have to be ready for some kind of compromise."

DK was confident they would clear the parliamentary threshold, he said.​​​​​​​

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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