Budapest to Open New Venue for Independent Cultural Organizations

  • 23 Jan 2025 9:08 AM
Budapest to Open New Venue for Independent Cultural Organizations
The Budapest metropolitan council will open a new venue where "the independent cultural organizations abandoned by the state" can create and perform, Gergely Karácsony, the city’s mayor, said in a statement on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Culture.

"Art in Budapest is free, artists are free, and Budapest protects the city’s diverse culture, its cultural assets and institutions with all its might," Karacsony said.

He said the city council had supported "the cultural organizations abandoned by the state" for years.

He announced that a new institution will be opened this year, adding that he will submit the call for applications launching the institution for next week’s session of the city assembly.

Karacsony said Budapest will secure a venue for independent theatres and other types of creative organizations in a former school building owned by city council in the 13th district.

He said Budapest would continue to support theatres run and financed by the metropolitan council.

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MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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