Hungary Named EU's Most Corrupt Country for Third Year in a Row by TI
- 12 Feb 2025 2:13 PM

"In the absence of sufficient measures to restore the rule of law and to weed out systemic corruption in Hungary, the country irrevocably lost 1.04 billion euros worth of EU cohesion policy funding in 2024, and more losses are to be expected in the coming years." the organisation said in a statement, referring to the CPI published by the Berlin-based Secretariat of Transparency International (TI).
The statement said that the CPI ranked 180 countries and territories around the world based on perceptions of public sector corruption, using 13 different data sources from 12 different institutions.
"Hungary received 41 points for its 2024 performance on a 100-point scale where 0 marks the highest level, and 100 the lowest level of perceived corruption," it added.
The report said that this was one point less than in 2023, and it put Hungary in 82nd place among 180 countries assessed worldwide, a significant drop from its 76th place in 2023.
"With 55 points, Hungary ranked 46th in 2012, which means that over the past 12 years, the country’s ranking fell by 14 points and 36 places on the CPI scaling," it added.
The Government Information Centre (KTK) said in response to the report that US President Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk "have busted Transparency International".
"By now it is clear that Soros and the Democrats were financing a network to fabricate lies about their opponents. TI is a member of that network… They are lying about Hungary, among others, on demand," KTK said in a statement.
According to World Bank data, Hungary is among the countries where corruption is felt by companies the least in the world, KTK said, with a mere 1,2 percent having been linked to corruption, it said, noting that the same indicator was 37 percent in Ukraine, 11.8 percent in Italy and 7.7 percent in Portugal.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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