Police Station for Budapest Party District Opens

  • 3 Feb 2025 9:45 AM
Police Station for Budapest Party District Opens
A police station for Budapest's party district has been opened which will serve the safety of tourists, as well as local residents, an official of the ministry of the interior said at the opening of a new 7th district police office.

State secretary Bence Retvari said the party district was an area of around one square kilometre in the centre of the city which includes 845 catering units and party venues, 200 of which keep open also between midnight and 6am.

Retvari added that this part of Budapest had an international reputation and it attracted many visitors and party-goers. He said it was reason for happiness that "young people from across Europe feel most at ease in Hungary" but it was also important that local residents, too, feel safe.

Retvari said Hungary was one of the safest countries not only in Europe but in the whole world, and Budapest was one of the safest capitals. "This title does not come for free" so developments are constantly ongoing, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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