Falko Siecke, CEO, Terra Catering
- 9 Jun 2020 8:20 AM

He says his dedication towards creating a unique experience for diners was also appreciated while working for a number of Michelin Star restaurants, with up to 3 stars.
Falko's current venture, Terra Catering, has been awarded 'Best in Class Catering Brand in Hungary 2019' and now launched their brand new Home and Office Delivery.
1. When did you arrive in Hungary and what brought you here?
I met my wife here in Budapest in 2008 when I was traveling on a weekend trip. On my last day I was leaving from the airport in Budapest towards Berlin to see my parents.
Since I was a bit of a flirty guy this lady in the terminal dragged my attention and I managed to sit next to her in the airplane. From there we have visited each other for 2 years while I was living in France at this period working at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Finally and even in a difficult period I could get an official transfer to the Four Seasons Gresham Palace and joining my wife here in January 2010.
2. Have you ever been an expatriate elsewhere?
I left hometown when I was age 15 and been always working in gastronomy. I moved first from Berlin to Cologne and then in 2002 to France where I had the chance to work and life in the most beautiful areas In 2010 I joined Budapest.
3. What surprised you most about Hungary?
In the beginning I was very impressed of the easy lifestyle especially for expats it was a very comfortable arrival with friendly people who welcome you with open arms.
So, my social lifestyle was perfectly balanced. Later when I set up my actual company, I figured a lot of small business opportunities as well which may in order countries are not anymore available.
To start up with something new may have a bigger potential than elsewhere. Further I do respect very much the Hungarian culture and I was very impressed about that people don’t earn so much here with the same price level as in Western Europe but still handling this very well.
It is today as well in our DNA that we help and support people in need and we believe this is a commitment to the country where we stay.
4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?
Yes this happened as well I guess everybody answer the same here, Ruin Pub Bars:😊 and yes we do the same as this is unique here and people love to get out of their skin and leave the work a bit behind.
Otherwise when I tour around, I love to animate this a bit more, sometimes we rent a little boat for private tour I organize some good food and drinks and we boat picknick.
Or we rent some moving vehicles and drive around the city centre. Certainly, my job makes everybody discover the gastronomy so we always have at least 2-3 restaurants to visit and each must be different from style and character.
If time allows, I take people outside the city and visit nearby places like Vac or Esztergom which is nice in summer.
I always treat my guests as VIP’s and I want that they remember Budapest as unique as possible. We always invest a lot of time to create our visits from friends and so far been very successful as everybody has returned already.
5. What is your favourite Hungarian food?
A good Goulash soup is great when made in the kettle. I love the authentic dishes cooked in nature with unique and quality ingredients.
The stews are my favourite for sure, and goose liver is a local product worth trying as well if it is perfectly made - and not coming from a can even better!
We have outstanding products here like Mangalica and a lot of root vegetables. I wish however that producers will have a better chance to sell more quality food in Budapest so that it makes sense for them invest in good clean food for the future.
6. What is never missing from your refrigerator?
I prefer to eat fresh and go on local markets as much as I can, in my fridge you rather find boring stuff like cold cuts, cheese, bread, butter etc…
But what I love is when I can go on Bio markets or any other quality bazars to find unique food, ultra-fresh green salads just out of the soil or berries in summer are just to die for. I love quality great meat cuts and a lot salmon but this is almost impossible to find.
7. What do you miss most from home?
A good German beer, home cooked food from my mother and my friends certainly.
8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
I think I am pretty good in sales and probably that could have been another sector however there is nothing better than what I am in now running a successful premium catering brand and combining my deepest dreams and love to gastronomy and sales in on service.
9. What's a job you would definitely never want?
I think I am a person who is very divers and can take honest motivation for anything different or new.
However due to my nature I am not very tempted by works which are not very animating. I think if I would need to pick one than maybe accounting which would be my least favorite.
10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
Croatia on the seaside for a nice summer break, we are traveling with our daughter and the near by location by car is just ideal.
11. Where do you hope to spend your next holiday?
For my family it would be amazing if we can board now by plane and take some longer destinations around the Mediterranean for example Greece could be interesting. If it would be only for myself I am dreaming to travel to Japan or discover more about Asia.
12. Apart of temptation what can't you resist?
Sushi. Love traveling event short distance are great.
13. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?
Favourite Band: Queen, and Abba.
Film: in the past 7 years I only watched films with my daughter which would be Shrek or Madagascar and stuff like this which I honestly enjoy sometimes more than her but real movies are difficult to mention I like a wide variety for sure.
Hobbies as a teen was a lot of sports like Tennis, Volleyball and Handball in professional leagues as of today I switched to enjoy great food and cooking at home.
14. Red wine or white?
White, full bodied if possible, like a good Chardonnay but I am a big fan of good crisp Furmint.
15. Book or movie?
Movie for sure.
16. Morning person or night person?
Morning person, it was different some years ago due to my previous work I was totally a night person but I have to admit I am not getting younger so I turned slowly to a morning person which I enjoy a lot.
17. Buda or Pest side?
Pest, Zuglo love this area, greens and families and good shopping facilities.
18. What would you say is your personal motto?
Eat well, be well - my motto is all about good food enjoy a great moment with friends and spend quality time together.