Interview 2: Christian Braunschweig, Former Managing Director, AGS Budapest
- 17 Nov 2021 10:30 AM

Click here to read his first interview
A lot. I changed the structure of the office and I am still building up a new Sales Team. If you know a good Sales Representative that is looking a new challenge, please forward him to me!
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you with your life in Hungary, and why?
7 - it can always be better 😊 parking is definitely a nightmare in the city, the traffic is fine, compared to Warsaw (my last station) The food is great, many restaurants, and covid seems to be forgotten.
3. What’s the best party you’ve been to while in Hungary, and why?
Oktoberfest in the German School - nice music, great location and even better german food with Buffet from Kempinski Hotel.
4. What’s your favourite drink?
Long Island Icetea with Taxi - Ice Cold Coca Cola with Car.
5. What hidden talents do you have?
I am a good singer and musician, learned several instruments when I was younger, didn’t follow it up and lost most of it, sadly.
6. What was the most interesting travel trip you have ever taken?
Roadtrip in USA - started in Detroit rented a nice SUV and drove over country road over Indianapolis, Nashville, Memphis along the Mississippi to New Orleans. From New Orleans along the coast down to Naples Florida and from there we crossed the Everglades to Miami Beach and went on to Key West. 3 weeks time and we met a lot of local people in little villages eating local specialties and slept in little hotels along the road.
7. If you were given a wish that could come true, what would you ask for?
A wonderful life with financial independence for my son Noah.
8. What’s the last book you read, and movie you watched?
German Book - Ein Mann Ein Buch (1 Man 1 Book) - very funny.
Movie - The Peanutbutter Falcon - great movie even it is a bit older.
9. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would the title be?
The German Workaholic.
10. What is the perfect pizza toppings combination for you?
Salami, Prosciutto Cotto, Tuna, Sweetcorn, double cheese.
11. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
The Corgi of the Queen of England. Nice Location, Great Food, and no Responsibility. Sounds great for one week.
12. On a scale of 1 to 10 how unusual are you, and why?
My Wife said, almost 7 😊
- I love Mondays
- When I am on holidays I check my mails on the pool
- I am always 15-30 minutes earlier to any appointment
13. What’s the best website you’ve ever visited, and why? -Great page to book some adventures and be there when Formula one is coming back. And of course - 😊
14. Who do you admire the most, and why?
My Wife, she is dealing with my son from day to day, managing the day from start to finish on her own. Taking care of the house, the cleaning, the cooking etc. etc. I am thankful to have her standing behind me letting me focus on our future.
15. What do you like best and least about living in Hungary?
Best: Great Atmosphere in Budapest, open minded People, great restaurants, great locations and nice climate.
Least: State-Hospitals, Health System
16. What has made the biggest impact on your life so far, and why?
The birth of my Son Noah Braunschweig, never expected that I can love a person so much.
17. If you won USD 30 million, what would you do with the money?
5 Million for my Son, then I will buy myself in as partner in a big international company. Spend 1 Million to my Rotary Club to do good things with it. The rest will be spread in my and my wifes family.
18. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Tim Bendzko - Hoch - Song about never giving up, just step back to sprint and try again.
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Amsterdam - 2 hours from my hometown - 2 hours from the beach - little house outside the city with own boat on a channel.
20. In ten years from now what will you be doing?
Same Business, Moving International, bigger Office, other City, more responsibilities. Maybe even European Management, who knows what is coming 😉