Set in Budapest in 1913, when the city was considered to be at the heart of Europe. The drama follows 20-year-old Irisz Leiter, who arrives in the Hungarian capital after spending her younger years in an orphanage, hoping to work as a milliner in the legendary hat store that belonged to her late parents. She is suddenly confronted with her past and starts searching for answers about her family before stumbling upon dark secrets.
Director(s): László Nemes
Starring: Jakab Juli, Vlad Ivanov, Susanne Wuest, Levente Molnár, Urs Rechn, Judit Bárdos, Björn Freiberg, Christian Harting, Sándor Zsótér, Mihály Kormos, Marcin Czarnik, Áron Öze, Uwe Lauer, Tom Pilath
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Length: 144
Release date: 2018-09-27
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