44 result(s) for hungarian wine in Galleries
Photo Review: Ecke 22 Restaurant In Budapest
- 14 Oct 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Tucked away on a side street off Andrássy Avenue near Heroes' Square is one of the last bastions of real Hungarian taste, with real Hungarian portions, just like the old days.
Xpat Wine Club, Brody Studios Budapest, October 1st 2015
- 7 Oct 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
What do you get when you bring together six fabulous Hungarian winemakers with nearly 100 of XpatLoop’s wine lovers, all inside the cosy Brody courtyard in downtown Budapest? Well, a memorable evening of tasting and networking to be sure.
Xpat Wine Picnic, Becketts Terrace, 28 July
- 30 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
- Russell Skidmore
Words by Liz Frommer: "Irish sausage and Hungarian wine: a magical combination. Tasted some excellent wines.
Xpat Wine Club, Hilton Budapest, 30 June
- 1 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Xpat Wine Club With Sauska At Le Meridien
- 28 Apr 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Budapest Bonfire Bash, Party For Charity, 4 Nov 2013
- 6 Nov 2013 11:00 AM
- Russell Skidmore & Marcus Schirrmacher-Gavaller
Thanks to around 200 guests of XpatLoop nearly HUF 1 million was collected to support the Csodalámpa Foundation at this feel-good event on a rainy Monday evening.
European Cheese Contest In Budapest
- 16 Sep 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
The 'National Cheese Contest of European Nations' was organised for the first time in Hungary by SZEGA Foods, in their new ‘Covent Garden’ style delicatessen, in the basement area of Budagyöngye shopping mall. They could subsequently taste the cheeses during the wine festival too.
Buborék Festival In Budapest, 25 - 28 July
- 28 Jul 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
As the sun sizzled, corks popped and the festival of bubbles took off on this Grand Prix of weekends. Building on the success of last year’s event still sparkling in people’s minds, the open-air festival of bubbles was here again, for four sun-soaked days.
Budapest Soup Festival, Elvis Presley Park, 26 - 28 April
- 28 Apr 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
The Budapest Soup Festival (Budai Levesfesztivál) was organized for the first time. Held in the Elvis Pressley Park, with a mixture of Hungarian and International soups, where you could find the usual suspects (fish, meat, gulyas, vegetable, bean, fruit, liver dumpling and onion-in-bread soup), as well as, the not so usual ones.
Photo Review: Ecke 22 Restaurant In Budapest
- 14 Oct 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Tucked away on a side street off Andrássy Avenue near Heroes' Square is one of the last bastions of real Hungarian taste, with real Hungarian portions, just like the old days.
Xpat Wine Club, Brody Studios Budapest, October 1st 2015
- 7 Oct 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
What do you get when you bring together six fabulous Hungarian winemakers with nearly 100 of XpatLoop’s wine lovers, all inside the cosy Brody courtyard in downtown Budapest? Well, a memorable evening of tasting and networking to be sure.
Xpat Wine Picnic, Becketts Terrace, 28 July
- 30 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
- Russell Skidmore
Words by Liz Frommer: "Irish sausage and Hungarian wine: a magical combination. Tasted some excellent wines.
Xpat Wine Club, Hilton Budapest, 30 June
- 1 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Xpat Wine Club With Sauska At Le Meridien
- 28 Apr 2015 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
Budapest Bonfire Bash, Party For Charity, 4 Nov 2013
- 6 Nov 2013 11:00 AM
- Russell Skidmore & Marcus Schirrmacher-Gavaller
Thanks to around 200 guests of XpatLoop nearly HUF 1 million was collected to support the Csodalámpa Foundation at this feel-good event on a rainy Monday evening.
European Cheese Contest In Budapest
- 16 Sep 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
The 'National Cheese Contest of European Nations' was organised for the first time in Hungary by SZEGA Foods, in their new ‘Covent Garden’ style delicatessen, in the basement area of Budagyöngye shopping mall. They could subsequently taste the cheeses during the wine festival too.
Buborék Festival In Budapest, 25 - 28 July
- 28 Jul 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
As the sun sizzled, corks popped and the festival of bubbles took off on this Grand Prix of weekends. Building on the success of last year’s event still sparkling in people’s minds, the open-air festival of bubbles was here again, for four sun-soaked days.
Budapest Soup Festival, Elvis Presley Park, 26 - 28 April
- 28 Apr 2013 12:00 PM
- Xpatloop
The Budapest Soup Festival (Budai Levesfesztivál) was organized for the first time. Held in the Elvis Pressley Park, with a mixture of Hungarian and International soups, where you could find the usual suspects (fish, meat, gulyas, vegetable, bean, fruit, liver dumpling and onion-in-bread soup), as well as, the not so usual ones.