Charles Meets “Kindred Spirit” Solyom In Budapest

  • 24 Mar 2010 12:00 AM
Charles Meets “Kindred Spirit” Solyom In Budapest
"Britain’s Prince Charles received the Grand Gross of the Order of the Hungarian Republic from President Laszlo Solyom after he and his wife Camilla arrived in Hungary yesterday for a four-day visit.

The award bestowed before last night's official dinner was given in recognition of Charles’s efforts and work on behalf of environmental protection.

The environment and equal opportunities are expected to dominate the Prince’s visit. He spoke about the issue of climate change and also about his Hungarian ancestry.

Solyom stressed that Hungary and the UK are strategic partners. Charles called Solyom a “kindred spirit,” referring to their identical stance on the fight against climate change.

The environment and the protection of the quality and quantity of water will be among the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency in 2011, Solyom remarked."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock.

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