Fully Booked: Budapest Bonfire Night Party, 5 November
- 5 Nov 2011 8:04 AM

A unique live ‘Fire Show’ awaits guests, along with a sumptuous selection of 5-star 'bonfire food'; a wide variety of quality drinks; and live music.
Great prize draw gifts will be on offer, some of the newest contributors include Vodafone, Telenor, and Catherine Dickens. Everyone attending this 'Guy Fawkes Party’ will receive a welcome-gift worth HUF 8000, which coincidentally also happens to be the 11th birthday celebration of XpatLoop.com
Video showing the British Ambassador at this event in 2009.
A few fireworks and a plenty of fun activities will all add up to make this a worthwhile social networking event for charity. Remember, remember it's a feel good Bonfire Party as we'll all be supporting the Smiling Hospital Foundation.
Bonfire Night Menu: Including Mini Meat Pies, Fish + Chips, Chicken in BBQ Sauce, Various Salads, Hot Dogs & Beef Burgers with Fried Onions, Home-made Fresh Bread, Ginger Biscuits, Selection of Desserts and much more.
Wine Tasting By: Hadobás Winery, Dúzsi Tamás & Family Winery, Etyeki Kúria
Whisky Tasting By: WhiskyNet
Raffle Prizes: Many quality gifts already donated by Nokia Hungary, Fox Autorent, Holmes Place Budapest, Trattoria Toscana, FirstMed, ExpatShop.hu, Sony Hungary, CinemaCity, The Caledonia, Álomarc Cosmedica, Catherine Dickens, Treehugger Dan's Bookstore, Helpers Hungary Kft., Funside Team, Bortársaság, Multimedia Kft., alkupon.hu, Telenor, Paris Budapest Restaurant, Vodafone, Segway Tours Budapest, Arriba Taqueria, Painting by Zsolt Borbely, and more.
- in case you would like to donate a raffle prize please click here.
Venue & Menu Kindly Sponsored By: Hotel InterContinental Budapest
- in case you would like information about the benefits of sponsorship please click here.
Event Supporters: ProHome, KFP - Five Star Conference Service, LoveAgent, Fire Magic, Minafoto, Effect Floor.
* Fee: Free, however donations gratefully accepted at the door for the Smiling Hospital Foundation, HUF 5000 suggested per guest upon entry. For the fourth consecutive year we're supporting this worthy cause, please give generously as your support is really appreciated by local children in Hungarian hospitals.
Welcome gift: every guest will receive a VIP welcome gift from Holmes Place Budapest.
Where: InterContinental Budapest Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14.
When: 5 November 2011, event starts at 6.30pm until 9pm.
Timing: Arrivals and welcome drinks from 6.30pm, Welcome address at 7pm, Fireworks display film at 8pm - followed by prize draw, event closes at 9 pm. Guests are advised to arrive on time to be able to enjoy the full buffet dinner.
Dress code: smart casual
Guests of Honour will include: Countess Éva Csáky Bornemisza, H.E. Ambassador Greg Dorey, H.E. Ambassador Mrs Takalani Esther Netshitenzhe.
RSVP asap by clicking here - limited to the first 200 to register, confirmations will be sent at the end of Oct. As always only those on the approved guests list may attend. Please note this is an event for adults. The registration deadline is at end of the working day on 4 Nov.
Golf game from The Caledonia Budapest Scottish Pub & Shop
Click here to see a video from this event last year, and here's a few comments from guests in 2010.
By the way, its the 11th anniversary party for XpatLoop.com, but we're keeping our age quiet this year ;)
We do hope you can come to share this special occasion together on 5 November 2011.
Yours with kind regards,
Stephen Linfitt
Three Related Links:
XpatLoop.com Events For Charity In 2010, 2009, 2008
Note: Guy Fawkes Night is an event celebrated in the UK every year on 5 November. Traditional Verse: "Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason, Why Gunpowder Treason, Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent, To blow up King and Parliament. Three-score barrels of powder below, To prove old England's overthrow; By God's providence he was catch'd, With a dark lantern and burning match."
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