MP Demands Orbán Take A Stand On Hungary’s EU Membership

  • 10 Jan 2012 2:20 AM
MP Demands Orbán Take A Stand On Hungary’s EU Membership
"Socialist executive committee member Tibor Szanyi yesterday called on Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to declare whether he would like Hungary to remain a member of the EU. Speaking at a press conference, Szanyi cited opinions that Hungary as it is now would not be admitted to the EU because of changes made in the past 18 months.

He also asked whether reports are true that Fidesz is planning to organise a mass rally in favour of Orbán “North Korean style”.

The EU and the IMF will probably set legal preconditions rather than economic ones in loan talks with Hungary, Szanyi said, adding that he expects the government to “restore the democratic legal order”.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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