Invitation: Holnemvolt Storytelling Festival, 14 - 15 April

  • 13 Apr 2012 9:04 AM
Invitation: Holnemvolt Storytelling Festival, 14 - 15 April
"Internationally acclaimed storytellers will bring Hungarian, Croatian, Italian and Jewish folktales plus Greek legends will make story telling accessible for everyone at this special event for families. Hungary’s first international storytelling festival, which is now entering its second year, will feature Hungarian folktales, ghost stories, Greek mythology and Boccaccio’s Decameron on stage.

One of the featured storytellers is Berecz András, Kossuth Award-winning folk singer and storyteller. The patron of the event is Varró Dániel, Hungarian poet and translator.

„The folktale is the highest form of prose. It is perfectly balanced; the people tested it many times. It has been polished smooth. What was too long, they cut; what was too small, they grew. If man puts tales aside, he is left without a culture.” Berecz András

This is an adult event (ages 14 and older); our goal is to present the traditions of other cultures to our audiences through professional storytellers from the international storytelling scene.

Storytelling is much more that just the telling of folk- and fairy tales. It is a colorful, international
form that not only contains traditional tales, but also modern and true stories, anecdotes, dreams and
lies; a storyteller brings to the stage anything and everything she finds interesting in any way.

With the Holnemvolt Festival, we aim to create tradition. With last year’s festival, Hungary finally took its place int he international network of storytelling events all around the world.

The 2nd Holnemvolt Festival presents featured tellers from various countries and cultures, with tales old and new. This year, Berecz András, Kossuth Award-winning singer and storyteller has joined us on the stage. Marianna Kovács Hungarian-Croatian storyteller will share with us her tales of two cultures; Jay Miller, New York performing artist, combines his telling with mime. Paola Balbi creates a lively re-telling of Boccaccio’s Decameron in her „Sex and the City 1300”, the Paramythokores (Daughters of the Tales) brings us tales of women and luck all the way from Greece.

Jay Miller is the storyteller whose show is in English language, other performances are in Hungarian or translated to Hungarian.

This year the festival will include telling in four different languages; all tales will be made accessible to Hungarian audiences through creative translation.

The event is for ages 14 and older; the stories are not geared towards children.

The festival is accompanied by an exhibition: Storytelling Bowls kiállítás presents the work of glass artists Grünfelder Judit and Szilágyi Csilla, and the porcelain of Lublóy Zoltán; the theme of the exhibition is narrative through fine art. The exhibition is open from April 4 to April 16. at the Birs Bisztró; the opening ceremony, featuring performing storytellers, is scheduled for April 4, 7pm.

During the festival there will be a Fairy Market (all day Saturday, from 1pm on Sunday) featuring crafts and art from young designers.

Date of the Holnemvolt Festival: April 14-15, 2012.

Location:  Evangélikus Egyetemi és Főiskolai Gyülekezet
Address: 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 3.



Körmendy Petra organizer - by clicking here - or call him on +36 20 824 5507
Bartha Ildikó Katalin coordinator - by clicking here - or call +36 20 922 0088

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