Hungary's Gov’t Launches Anti-IMF Ad Campaign

  • 11 Oct 2012 1:03 AM
Hungary's Gov’t Launches Anti-IMF Ad Campaign
This week the government placed full-page advertisements on the back pages of major newspapers to declare that it “will not give in to the IMF” in general, nor on specific issues. The ad in Magyar Hírlap is a brief message in large letters reading: “No to reductions in family support. We are not giving in to the IMF”. A similar ad on the back page of Népszava declares “No to the property tax. We are not giving in to the IMF”.

A contract posted on the Prime Minister’s Office’s website shows that the Inter Media Group is managing a Ft 200 million campaign to present and interpret for the public the situation pertaining to the IMF-EU talks.

The contract was signed on Monday. The campaign is to continue until November 30 at the latest.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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