2025 Forecast: Demand & Sales to Pick Up On Real Estate Market in Hungary
- 21 Dec 2024 5:45 AM

The company said government measures, like the Home Purchase Subsidy Scheme (CSOK) Plus, housing allowance from employers used for rent and loan repayments, state-subsidised credit for young Hungarian blue-collar workers, could raise demand and from the investor side capital from government bond payments could add 20,000 transactions.
Duna House expects supply will not be able to keep up with buyer interest, so it is possible that prices will start to increase to a greater or lesser extent depending on the property type, condition and location. Annual price increase could be around 10-20pc in 2025.
The company said annual home sales this year could be around the middle of the 110,000-130,000 band, which is an approximately 14pc increase compared to 2023 and a two-year high.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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