Criminal Proceedings Against Orbán by Opposition Party DK 'Nonsense in Legal Sense'?
- 21 Dec 2024 5:21 AM

Gergely Gulyas responded to DK's announcement earlier in the day that the party would file a criminal report against Viktor Orban on charges of alleged fraudulent misappropriation of funds causing significant financial loss and an abuse of office which has led to Hungary losing a substantial amount of European Union funding.
"Because of the government, Hungary will lose one billion euros forever on December 31," DK said.
"We are facing a rare case of [a party] filing a report against itself," Gulyas said.
"Hungary has not and will not lose EU money," he said, adding that "if losing those monies would be a crime, then the attempt to commit this crime is constantly being carried out by the entire leadership of the Democratic Coalition and the party's MEPs."
He said that DK "is part of the coalition formed in Brussels by the EPP, Hungary's Tisza Party, and the Socialists and the liberals who are making every effort to prevent Hungary from accessing the EU funds it is entitled to."
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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