Hungary's Fidesz Would Win Two-Thirds Majority

  • 26 Sep 2013 9:00 AM
Hungary's Fidesz Would Win Two-Thirds Majority
Fidesz managed to slightly increase its support among decided party voters, crossing the 50% mark after two years, according to the latest poll conducted by Tárki. If parliamentary elections were held now, Fidesz would again obtain a two-thirds majority by winning 139 parliamentary seats, according to rival pollster Medián.

Medián found after interviewing 1,200 citizens on September 6-10, that only 23% of those seeking a change of government believe that the election pact concluded by the Socialists and Together in late August is the best possible solution, while 22% said it is not at all. Another 41% said the agreement is good but would have been better with a joint list and a shared candidate for prime minister.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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