EU to Deduct Euro 200 Million Fine from Hungary's Funding
- 19 Sep 2024 6:50 AM

The second deadline of payment of the fine imposed in a ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on June 13, after Hungary missed the first, was on September 17.
Balazs Ujvari said the Commission was mulling whether to deduct one lump sum or instalments.
In connection with a daily fine of 1 million euros, Hungary was also required to notify the EC on measures it would take to align its procedures with those ordered by the CJEU which imposed the fine in connection with the country's migration practices, Ujvari said.
The Hungarian authorities have given no response, and so the EC has sent the first request for payment, Ujvari said. The fine for the period between June 13 and September 17 comes to 93 million euros, and Hungary has 45 days to pay it, he added.
In the ruling issued last December, the CJEU said Hungary was "not respecting" EU legislation, including those on international asylum and on returning illegal immigrants to their home countries.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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