Socialists In Hungary Swing Into Campaign Mode

  • 25 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Socialists In Hungary Swing Into Campaign Mode
The Socialist Party is now in campaign mode, president Attila Mesterházy told reporters after the national council approved an election committee on Saturday. Mesterházy said the council can only follow a strategy aimed at increasing the number of opposition voters, rather than re-distributing the existing left-wing support.

The council requested “greater communication discipline” from Socialist politicians who make statements.

Together leader Gordon Bajnai, who was invited to the meeting, said the alliance of his party and the Socialists will subordinate everything to the goal of winning. They cannot nor must not build towards the 2018 elections, he warned, because if no change of government is achieved now, then the opposition forces could disappear in four years.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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MTI photo: Bruzák Noémi

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