Hungary’s Socialists Want To Scrap Maternity Benefit, Says Fidesz

  • 13 Jan 2014 8:00 AM
Hungary’s Socialists Want To Scrap Maternity Benefit, Says Fidesz
Gabriella Selmeczi, a Fidesz spokeswoman, told a news conference that it was clear from an interview given by Socialist MEP Zita Gurmai that the Socialists were planning to scrap the current government’s so-called Gyed-extra maternity benefits.

The Socialist Party said in a statement that should they win power the Gyed-extra maternity benefit would be safe. The benefit will not be abolished but “improved” instead, it said, adding that in its current form, an institution could only extend any real help by prohibiting dismissal.

It said that Fidesz had abolished the Gyedextra in 2011 before reintroducing it in 2013, thereby conceding it had made an error.

The Socialists also accused Fidesz politicians of drawing a deliberately misleading conclusion about Socialist MEP Zita Gurmai’s comments in their response.

The women’s chapter of Fidesz will launch a signature drive with a view to “defending” the recently introduced maternity benefit called Gyed-extra, Ildikó Gál Pelcz, a MEP of the ruling party, told a press conference on Sunday.


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