Sanctions Not In Hungary's Best Interest, Says Varga

  • 1 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
Sanctions Not In Hungary's Best Interest, Says Varga
Sanctions against Russia would not be in Hungary's best interest, Economy Minister Mihály Varga said in an interview published in daily Magyar Nemzet. "The government obviously has to prepare for the possibility that serious sanctions will be introduced against Russia, as 80-90% of our gas comes from there.

 Our gas reserves are sufficient for several months; regardless, it is in our fundamental interest that steps against Russia not be taken that would harshly affect the functioning of the Hungarian economy or significantly squeeze our economic growth," Varga said.

"For the time being, we aren't feeling the damaging effects of the political crisis that has arisen in the past months. Mutually advantageous economic processes have not yet been obstructed and we hope that they will not be in future either," he added.


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