Danube Carnival 2014: A Captivating Folk Dance Celebration On The Streets Of Budapest
- 19 Jun 2014 1:00 AM

The 2014 carnival season has officially begun in Hungary. The eight-day Danube Carnival (Duna Karnevál) in Budapest started last Saturday, but the best is yet to come.
Contemporary dancers, international artists from different parts of the world, and traditional Hungarian folk dancers gather for the nineteenth time in Budapest to celebrate the joy of dance and to emphasize the importance of tradition.
The eventful carnival, which is free of charge, will feature a Carnival Parade on the 21st, where nearly 1000 dancers and musicians will dance away the blues between the Pesti Vigadó and Vörösmarty tér, a spectacular gala event on the 20th, and a traditional folk art fair on Vörösmarty tér.
For more programme details, click here: dunakarneval.hu
Words by Tímea Klincsek for XpatLoop.com
Proofread by Írj Jól Szolgáltató Kft
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