Jobbik Pushes Proposals To Staunch Outflow Of Hungarians

  • 13 Jul 2014 8:01 AM
Jobbik Pushes Proposals To Staunch Outflow Of Hungarians
Addressing the outflow of Hungarians to abroad should be top priority yet the government has failed to tackle the problem, a Jobbik lawmaker has said.

It is lamentable that no state secretary has been appointed to handle the issue and that Parliament has failed to deal with the problem, Jobbik’s deputy group leader, Gergely Farkas, told a press conference.

Recent surveys indicate that half of 18-39-year-olds are considering emigrating for shorter or longer periods, he said, adding that it was alarming that Hungarians already abroad were not planning to return.

The politician mentioned social housing, the creation of real jobs, youth policy and increasing quotas for state financed places in higher education as possible solutions.


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