Thousands Take Part In Walk To Raise Awareness On Breast Cancer In Budapest
- 8 Jun 2015 9:00 AM

After the walk was launched by the whole-day event’s hostess, Vanda Dombóvári, thousands of pink-clad women filled the Chain Bridge and the area of its bridgeheads on the Buda and Pest sides of the Danube. Having completed the 3.7-kilometre walk, participants let go of their pink balloons together in a joint and touching display of solidarity towards those suffering from the disease. Over 11 000 people registered for the event.
“We believe that our children can grow up in a world in which there’s no necessity to loose more wives, girlfriends, mothers and girls to an illness which has a good chance to be cured if diagnosed in time”, Anita Végh-Kósa, head of communications at the organising AVON Hungary said, adding that breast cancer can potentially develop during the lifetime of every eighth woman.
AVON has globally donated close to HUF 230 billion to various organisations, foundations and hospitals dealing with breast cancer, and the company’s Hungarian subsidiary has played a substantial role in this effort, part of which was the Saturday event, Avon Hungary’s managing director Zoltán Radeczky said.
Republished with permission
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