Radical Nationalists Protest Against Immigrants In Budapest
- 13 Jul 2015 9:00 AM

Hundreds of supporters of the Sixty- Four Counties Youth Movement held a protest in front of Budapest’s Keleti railway station against “raging hordes of migrants” on Friday. György Gyula Zagyva, the co-leader of the organisation, said the demonstration was the first in a series of similar events to be staged at Hungary’s borders, at refugee camps, and other places in Budapest where migrants seek shelter.
Participants held up radical nationalist Jobbik banners and the red and white stripes associated with Hungary’s radical right, and chanted “White Hungary”.
Meanwhile, a small Facebook group held a counter-protest on the other side of a police cordon. They held up signs saying “While you hate, we help”; “Immigrants not terrorists” and “Refugees are humans, too”.
Source www.hungarymatters.hu - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.
MTI photo: Bodnár Boglárka
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