Drug Raids In Hungary Nab Dealers & Users
- 20 Mar 2025 5:58 AM
- Hungary Around the Clock

Four of the dealers were taken into custody, police said.
Pest county police officers searched for illicit drugs in 23 night spots and 13 other locations, impounding nearly 1.5 kilograms of drugs and more than Ft 600,000 in three days, coming from drug trafficking.
A Debrecen night spot had to close early, as police searched everybody on the premises.
Although the government passed one of Europe's most stringent drug laws in 2012, the drug situation has not improved since then, Telex writes.
Five years after the drugs should have disappeared from the country, according to the government's promise, the drug problem assumed such high proportions that the prime minister could not ignore it in his speech on February 28.
Fidesz MP Laszlo Horvath was recently given the newly created position of government commissioner against drugs.
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