Opposition Opinion: 'No Middle Ground - Pride or Orbán'
- 19 Mar 2025 2:54 PM

The cause of Budapest's Pride march "is now a test of faith in Europe, constitutional democracy and protection of human dignity ... a test of defiance and fight against Orban's foulness," Gyurcsany said.
Gyurcsany suggested that unlike in earlier years, he was originally not planning to attend this year's march, but added that "now I think I will have to be there".
Magyar: 'Mean, hateful gov1t can be toppled at election'
"The incumbent, mean and hateful government can be defeated at an election … and we will do so," the leader of the opposition Tisza Party told MTI.
In a statement, Peter Magyar said that "now that (PM) Viktor Orban's power has been shaken, he resorts to the same methods applied by the [previous] Gyurcsany government in 2006, neglecting the fundamental right to assembly."
"The economy is in a critical state, their public support is plummeting, so he will do what he is best at: inciting hatred and sow divisions," Magyar said.
Tisza wants to build a country "where Hungarians are allies rather than bugs to be exterminated ... a country where the guiding principle is cooperation rather than hatred," he added.
"The only way to restore freedom is to get rid of those not respecting it, through elections ... Tisza will put an end to the Orban-Gyurcsany era and will protect the constitutional right to assembly for everybody," Magyar said.
"The worst is over, just a few months and we will liberate our homeland and the Tisza government will work, from day one, to ensure that all Hungarians can live in peace, happiness and freedom in our beloved country," he said.
Magyar insisted that assembly law had recently been amended with the aim "to divert attention from how many millions of Hungarians are living in a serious existential crisis, and that their rule would come to an end in a few months".
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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