Xpat Opinion: Paris Terrorist Picked Up Accomplices In Budapest

  • 7 Dec 2015 8:00 AM
Xpat Opinion: Paris Terrorist Picked Up Accomplices In Budapest
A conservative columnist accuses EC chairman Jean-Claude Juncker of promoting valueless policies and facilitating thereby the rise of Islamist terrorism in Europe.

In Magyar Nemzet, Csaba Lukács criticises the chairman of the European Commission who poured scorn on Hungarian Commissioner Tibor Navracsics for protesting against the decision to register the recent ‘citizens’ initiative’, which seek to gather signatures to try to persuade the European Union to condemn the Hungary Mr Juncker accused Mr Navracsics of representing the opinion of the Hungarian government, rather than the values of the Union.

The issue is, the author suggests, what we mean by European values. If they mean that Europe has to receive an endless flow of immigrants, then Europe is doomed, the columnist argues.

In fact, as the government announced on Thursday, foreign intelligence services told the Hungarian authorities that two months before the Paris terrorist attacks, one of the perpetrators, Salah Abdeslam travelled to Budapest and ‘recruited terrorists from among the migrants rioting in front of the Keleti railway station’

Source: BudaPost

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