Jobbik May Be Called A Far-Right Party

  • 11 Feb 2016 8:00 AM
Jobbik May Be Called A Far-Right Party
The Media Council has definitively rejected a complaint from against ATV’s description of it in a newscast as a “far right” party. In its ruling, the Council did not say that it is fair to refer to Jobbik as an extremist party; rather it said the term “far right” in Hungary is not applied only to extremist, racist tendencies, but to right-wing parties advocating milder views.

The fact that Jobbik does not consider itself far-right does not mean that others cannot describe it as such, the Council added.

In its initial ruling on the matter, in the autumn of 2014, the Council had upheld Jobbik’s argument that the term is not factual, but clearly expresses an opinion, and ordered ATV to pay a fine.

That ruling was later overturned by a court, which ordered a new procedure.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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