US Analyst: Hungary’s PM Orbán Bold To Point Out Islamisation Of Europe

  • 21 Apr 2016 9:00 AM
US Analyst: Hungary’s PM Orbán Bold To Point Out Islamisation Of Europe
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is bold enough to “state the obvious” about the Islamisation of the continent, which the European Union is afraid to do, George Friedman, Hungarian-born US political analyst, said in an interview published in the conservative online newspaper The United States is not willing to finance the security of a “bigger and richer” Europe and will not start military action against Syria because this does not serve its interests, he said.

From an “existential” point of view the crisis in the Middle East is more important for Europe, he said. Orbán has been willing to say out loud against a fragmented EU what is obvious, although Europe’s Islamisation is apparent from the Paris and Brussels attacks, too, the analyst said. Unlike the US government, the “normal American” knows that “not every Muslim is a terrorist but almost every terrorist is a Muslim.”

Orbán’s reaction to shut out everyone is understandable as the fundamentalists cannot be separated from the other Muslims, he said. While Hungary’s relations with the US government are bad, its ties with America are great. But because the EU is falling apart, the United States will give more value to bilateral relations.

“Such valued relations already exist with Poland and Romania and it would be good to see this with Hungary, too”, he said, adding that the US, however, puts a price tag on good relations.

Hungary must pay for the establishment of military bases and buy F-16 fighter jets. The US will not guarantee the safety of Europe and the EU is not able to solve the problem. But nation states like Poland or Hungary can, and Orbán knows this, Friedman said.

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