Gyurcsány Wins Legal Case Against PM Orbán
- 2 May 2016 9:00 AM

Altus is actually managed by Gyurcsány's wife, Klára Dobrev, an economist and law professor who teaches banking and financial law. The firm received, in an open bid process, a large contract from the European Union to evaluate the use of subsidies by member states and to suggest solutions for their more effective use. Given the political atmosphere in Hungary, Altus, regardless of the quality of its associates, can't get jobs in the country and must offer its consulting services abroad.
Altus decided to sue Viktor Orbán for slander. Last week the Budapest Court of Justice declared that Viktor Orbán's claim was false and ordered the prime minister to refrain in the future from similar libelous statements.
He will have to pay Altus 270,000 forints for court costs.
And finally, and this is the one that must hurt Orbán the most, he has to openly express his regret for ever having made such a statement.
I don't know who that brave judge was, but the verdict is simply breathtaking. No one remembers such a verdict against a sitting Hungarian prime minister. Of course, this decision is not final. I'm sure it will be appealed.
Viktor Orbán must be livid. Fidesz immediately released a statement which, in total disregard of the verdict of the court, declared that "even a blind man can see that Ferenc Gyurcsány is financed from Brussels."
Fidesz's spokesman quickly segued into Péter Medgyessy's business transaction with Alstom, the French company that provided cars for the new Budapest metro line, the M4. "On the left only the companies and the size of the bribes change, the essence remains.
Both Gyurcsány and the other socialist prime minister [meaning Medgyessy] conducted business through their wives. We are looking forward to Gyurcsány's answer about how much money he received from the bribe of Alstom because, after all, it was during his premiership that the Alstom contract was signed."
Well, it is time for Gyurcsány, who a few years back swore that he would sue anybody who falsely accuses him of anything, to start proceedings again, this time against Fidesz.
Republished with permission
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