Hungarian Ruling Parties Call For Probe Into Gyurcsány's Assets

  • 12 Feb 2020 6:20 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Ruling Parties Call For Probe Into Gyurcsány's Assets
The ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance are initiating procedures concerning the asset declaration of Democratic Coalition leader Ferenc Gyurcsány, Fidesz’s communications chief told a press conference.

István Hollik said that the former Socialist prime minister had failed to answer questions concerning his “muddled” asset declaration, insisting that “something is very wrong”.

According to Hollik, Gyurcsány had been paid dividends totalling over 2 billion forints (EUR 6m) by his Altus holding company in the past four years.

He bought securities for 641 million forints and paid 225 million in deposit for “an obscure property”, he said.

He also renovated his home for 100 million forints and has a house in the western provinces worth the same amount, Hollik said, adding that Gyurcsány had also spent 70 million forints on his children’s schooling and 80 million on their accommodation.

“Those figures certainly do not show Gyurcsány as a straightforward average Hungarian,” Hollik said, adding that Gyurcsány had acquired his billions of forints through “privatisation robbery”, exploiting his “old communist party ties”.

In response, DK said in statement that Fidesz should “look into the pockets” of politicians close to the party “if they want to see wealth concealed or of dubious origin”.

Gyurcsány’s asset declaration meets all legal requirements, they said, adding that “what Gyurcsány spends his legitimately earned and taxed income on is no business of … Hollik or any other member of the Fidesz mafia”.

MTI Photo: Kovács Tamás

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