Wamp Design Market, Várkert Bazár Budapest, 16 June

  • 13 Jun 2024 6:29 AM
Wamp Design Market, Várkert Bazár Budapest, 16 June
WAMP stands for 'Where Art Meets People', and this regular and popular design fair will next be held in the Neo-Renaissance Garden of Várker Bazár on the 16th of June between 10:00-18:00, with free entry!

Here you can get hand-made gifts by Hungarian designers for your loved ones, and yourself Also available are gastro specialties along with designer clothes, jewelry, accessories and more.

You can also participate in creative workshops, or check out local storybooks with your children in a reading corner. The most famous Hungarian design fair is also well known for being dog and family friendly, say the organisers.

How to get there: we recommend to use public transport as the event is easily accessible by foot! By attending the event, you agree to its policy and that photos of the event will be taken and used on WAMP's own surfaces.


Várkert Bazár
1013 Budapest, Ybl Miklós tér 4


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