Watch: New CoJ Fine Against Hungary of 200 Million Euros 'Outrageous, Unfair And Unacceptable'?

  • 14 Jun 2024 10:14 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Watch: New CoJ Fine Against Hungary of 200 Million Euros 'Outrageous, Unfair And Unacceptable'?
Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, called the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union to fine Hungary 200 million euros for not complying with EU legislations on asylum and on returning illegal immigrants to their home countries “outrageous, unfair and unacceptable”.

The minister told a regular press briefing that the court’s ruling contradicted European Union law, was incompatible with Hungary’s constitution and penalised the country which had rejected illegal migration from the beginning, protecting its own and Europe’s external borders.

The ruling “could never have been passed by a normal court,” he added. Gulyás pointed out that the decision extended beyond the claim.

The European Commission requested a condemnation of 7 million euros and a daily fine of 6 million euros until compliance, whereas the court ordered Hungary to pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and a daily fine of 1 million euros, that is seventy times the fine originally requested.

The ruling goes completely against everything we think about European law, the Hungarian constitution, the protection of external borders and effective action against migration, Gulyás said.

Meanwhile, Tamás Deutsch, the head of Fidesz’s delegation to the EP, also called the court’s ruling “outrageous” and “unacceptable”.

“We are not going to yield to the financial blackmail of Brussels bureaucrats,” he said.

He said that “we’re going to protect the borders and the Hungarian people”, adding that Hungarians had stated firmly on several occasions that “they do not want to live in a country of immigrants”.


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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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