Tofu Plant In Budapest Closed By Food Safety Authority

  • 14 Feb 2020 11:23 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Tofu Plant In Budapest Closed By Food Safety Authority
Serious hygiene violations, traceability deficiencies, and rodent excrement were found by experts from the National Food Chain Safety Authority (NÉBIH) during an inspection of a tofu manufacturing plant in Budapest, writes

Due to major food safety shortcomings at the factory, the authority immediately suspended the operation and withdrew 962 kg of unlabeled or non-traceable products from the market, the agency said in a statement.

NÉBIH inspectors encountered serious hygiene shortcomings during an on-site inspection at a tofu manufacturing plant in Budapest at the end of January. Among other things, the floor of the plant was heavily soiled and occasionally covered with stagnant water and rodent feces. Condensation draining from the ceiling sometimes also contaminated bulk products.

In addition to serious hygiene deficiencies, the plant did not ensure traceability of the products produced. Specialists from NÉBIH immediately suspended the food production operations of the plant.

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