Chamber Of Agriculture Calls On Stores To Give Hungarian Products Preference

  • 24 Apr 2020 10:24 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Chamber Of Agriculture Calls On Stores To Give Hungarian Products Preference
The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has called on retail store chains to give preference to Hungarian products, writes

NAK says this is especially necessary for basic foodstuffs, including meat, milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

Hungary is a major food exporter, but foreign trade opportunities have changed, given the current epidemiological crisis, thus the support of domestic products and the protection of the domestic market have come to the fore in all countries.

The situation is especially dire for meat products where, due to the African swine fever, slaughterhouse prices have risen dramatically worldwide last year.

The increase in domestic pig purchase prices of more than 45% in one year has so far been passed on by the processing industry in retail transfer prices, notes.

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