'Dance in the Park' Series by Hungarian National Dance Theatre, Budapest, 11 - 19 July

  • 26 Jun 2024 5:15 PM
'Dance in the Park' Series by Hungarian National Dance Theatre, Budapest, 11 - 19 July
In July, the season will be in full swing at the National Dance Theatre. The beloved event of the past years will not fail this year either: the home of Hungarian dance art is offering a light summer experience for the audience looking for active cultural content. July again, TáncPark again: dance art too is moving outdoors.

Since finding its new home at the Millenáris, the National Dance Theatre has traditionally moved to the park every year in July. On the temporary stage, the ensembles take turns every evening, day after day for nine days, guaranteeing variety in the sunset: from the mysterious tango to rhythm-demanding folk dance and contemporary to the refreshing flamenco.

The National Dance Theatre's TáncPark is a special event, a unique series of programmes, which promises and delivers diversity, shared dance, lightness, uniqueness and the unrepeatable to its dance-loving audience.

What else could open the programme series of the 2024 TáncPark than Hungarian folk dance? Folk dance will take the main role for three evenings, the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - House of Traditions will present its performance titled "Circle Dance", presenting the folklore treasure and the cultural diversity of the Carpathian Basin.

The next day, the Danube Art Ensemble will showcase some of their most virtuoso choreographies in their play titled Danube Whirl. On the last of these three evenings, The Dezső Fitos Company will give an insight into the traditions and rituals of the closed communities of villages.

Such an exciting week is not complete without an exotic journey: the Sivasakti Kalánanda Dance Theatre will pay tribute to one of the most mysterious and tragic artists of the first half of the 20 th century, the Hungarian-Indian-born Amrita Sher Gil. The Argentine Tango Dance Theatre and the FlamenCorazónArte Dance Theatre will put on exhilarating shows with a wealth of passion and emotions.

Lovers of contemporary dance performances will have a great time thanks to the exciting and special programmes. The János Feledi - Feledi Project with the Dezső Oláh Vibratone Quartet will tell about an extraordinary meeting of feelings and emotions, spiced up with the typical essence of live and Hungarian music.

The Noémi Kulcsár Tellabor has re-imagined one of Shakespeare's best-known comedies, Midsummer Night's Dream, in a grotesque, humorous and playful form, telling a story about the nature of love.

Finally, the energy of Hungarian folk dance will once again fill the park to culminate the event. The choreography of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble includes the legendary csárdás, Transylvanian and Hungarian gypsy dances, the üveges karikázó and of course the legényes, one of the most virtuoso men's solo dances in the world.

Thus, the audience can travel with the dancers, if only in spirit, from Rábaköz to Transylvania, from Sárköz to the Matyó region or to the Southern Great Plain.

Dance teaching is an almost indispensable part of the Dance Theatre's summer programme, so after the performances those who want to dance can get a taste of what they see on stage.

You can buy tickets for TáncPark evenings in the usual way, online via the Interticket system or personally at the ticket office in the reopened building before the performances.

You won't have to reschedule in case of bad weather, as the Main Hall will be open to the summer programme of the TáncPark on rainy days.


8:30 p.m. on Thursday, 11 July 2024
Circle Dance
Carpathian Basin anthology
Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - House of Traditions

8:30 p.m. on Friday, 12 July 2024
Danube Whirl
A selection from the most virtuoso choreographies of the Danube Art Ensemble
Danube Art Ensemble

8:30 p.m. on Saturday, 13 July 2024
The Village
Dezső Fitos Company

8:30 p.m. on Sunday, 14 July 2024
"The Essence of Art..."
In memoriam Amrita Sher Gil
Sivasakti Kalánanda Dance Theatre

8:30 p.m. on Monday, 15 July 2024
János Feledi - Feledi Project - Dezső Oláh Vibratone Quartet

8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Flamenco Heartbeats
FlamenCorazónArte Dance Theatre

8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 17 July 2024
A Midsummer Night's Dream 
Noémi Kulcsár Tellabor

8:30 p.m. on Thursday, 18 July 2024
Argentine Tango Dance Theatre - László Budai and his guests

8:30 p.m. on Friday, 19 July 2024
The Echo of the Carpathians
Hungarian National Dance Ensemble

Hungarian National Dance Theatre


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