Hungarian Railways Updating Trains With 4G Routers

  • 16 Sep 2020 11:30 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Hungarian Railways Updating Trains With 4G Routers
MÁV has begun introducing new devices on trains that are easier to use and provide significantly faster internet, writes

It is expected that from the beginning of next year, the internet will be much easier to access on rail routes.

Currently, nearly 700 rail cars have free wireless internet available to passengers using third-generation (3G) routers.

The railway company aims to replace the existing equipment with fourth-generation (4G) routers, taking advantage of the development of data transmission technology.

The development will take place in three phases, with replacements being carried out evenly during scheduled vehicle maintenance on all main lines.

The modernization of the entire fleet is expected to be completed in the first half of 2021.

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