More Spent On Sports Than Healthcare In Hungary, Confirms Mfor
- 23 Mar 2021 1:21 PM
- Hungary Around the Clock
The Orbán cabinet spent Ft 288.6 billion on sports and Ft 153.6 billion on churches between March 20, 2020 and March 19, 2021, while it assigned only Ft 60.7 billion to healthcare, a summary compiled by the website Menedzsment Fórum (Mfor) reveals.
On November 28 spending on sports stood at Ft 140 billion.
The Ft 289 billion equates to Ft 62,000 from each of the 4.6 million people employed in Hungary last year.
A large majority of the money was reassigned from the Economy Protection Fund, a special government reserve established to mitigate the negative economic impact of the epidemic, as well as from the Central Remainder Accounting Fund.
Mfor said it is not entirely clear on what projects the funds were spent.