Michelin Expands Scope of Restaurant Reviews to Cover Rural Hungary

  • 20 Apr 2022 4:42 PM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Michelin Expands Scope of Restaurant Reviews to Cover Rural Hungary
Michelin has announced that from this year it will be looking for the best restaurants not only in Budapest, but also in rural Hungary, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) tells the Budapest Business Journal.

The nationwide Michelin Guide will be published in the second half of the year and will collect and award the best Hungarian restaurants in different categories.

The dynamic development of Hungarian catering, successful foreign and domestic media appearances and quality Hungarian ingredients have all contributed to putting rural Hungary on the gastronomic map. with outstanding offerings now available nationwide.

This is one of the reasons why Michelin is now evaluating not only restaurants in Budapest but also in the countryside.

"It is a great honor that this year Michelin is producing a nationwide guide of the country (National selection of Hungary)  and we are grateful that our restaurants and chefs can be part of this special attention and appreciation", said Zoltán Guller, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency, on the occasion of the announcement."

Hungary currently has 20 Michelin awards (stars or plates), which could rise further with the addition of a new rural venue or venues.

The National selection of Hungary is also an excellent image-building opportunity, which will attract even more gastronomic tourists to Hungary, MTÜ says.

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