Gourmet Fest in Budapest Focused on 'New Generation'

  • 24 May 2023 1:14 PM
Gourmet Fest in Budapest Focused on 'New Generation'
Held from 2-4 June, over 100 exhibitors including 50 restaurants and dozens of confectioneries - covering everything from street food to international cuisine, plus a great variety of drinks like beers, wine, champagnes & cocktails - come together at Hungary's key gastro event.

It will not focus on any specific food or ingredient as it did belore, as this time the focus will be on young people and with them, innovation, new trends, technologies, ingredients or even style.

"Last year we focused on the theme of 'Heritage', but this year we are focusing on the future, as we can already see a new generation of chefs, pastry chefs, baristas and bartenders who, despite their youth, are representing their profession to a very high standard" - said Richárd Nemes, Gourmet's chief organiser.

At this year's festival, the new generation will be represented by young professionals such as:

* Anett Béres, who after university chose to follow her heart and became a self-taught pastry chef at the Michelin-starred Borkonyha and Textúra, and

* Richárd Csillag, chef at Lokal47 in Kétthely, who competed in one of the world's most prestigious chef competitions at the age of 21, Mátyás Huszár, who leads the cheekily young team at the Vasüzlet in Balatonfüred, described as the "most exciting new opening" on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, and

* Edina Makai, who studied philosophy and played drums in a band before becoming assistant chef at the Michelin-starred Salt restaurant.

There will also be János Mizsei, the field-proven chef of MÁK, who last year won The Michelin Guide's Young Chef of the Year award (a recognition given to the next generation of chefs by the international gastronomic guide), and Pál Tóth, the bold and ambitious chef of Alabárdos in Szeged, who used to have a punk band but now has his own cookbook.

The festival audience will also meet Rozina Wossala, restaurateur - writer - presenter, who will give a workshop for gourmet foodies who want to learn on the Gourmet Academy stage.

In addition to Gourmet's usual, but still exceptional food and drink offer, there will also be a number of exciting programmes, including professional demonstrations and performances that will bring together the culinary arts with literature, music and even painting.

Millenáris will once again host the event in Buda.

For tickets, a list of exhibitors and all other info see gourmetfesztival.hu

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