Kifli to Shorten Delivery Times & Expand Service to Lake Balaton in Summer
- 22 Jun 2023 9:48 AM

The express delivery time is reduced to 90 minutes in most Pest districts, and the normal delivery time to 120 minutes, while in the northern areas of Buda and Pest, the average delivery time will be two to three hours.
As Kifli’s only storage facility was in the Tenth District, deliveries in the Buda side took four to five hours, and orders were sometimes delayed due to rush-hour traffic.
This is one of the reasons why a new warehouse was built in Buda, from where deliveries to Lake Velence, Székesfehérvár and Lake Balaton are also easier, said Gabriel Makki.
Kifli started to service Székesfehérvár on June 1, and has expanded its capacity around Lake Balaton and Lake Velence for the summer season.