Watch: International Drug Trafficking Ring Busted in Budapest

  • 19 Apr 2024 9:36 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Watch: International Drug Trafficking Ring Busted in Budapest
The National Investigation Bureau (KR NNI) has taken down a Serbian-Hungarian drug trafficking ring in Budapest, with investigators uncovering 750 million forints’ (EUR 1.9m) worth of amphetamine oil, marijuana, hashish and cocaine at several properties.

KR NNI has been investigating an international drug trafficking ring since the summer of 2023, the agency said on

A Serbian man was detained at a border crossing on the southern border on March 11, it added. Investigators searched two apartments and a garage linked to the man and found more than 600 million forints’ worth of amphetamine and marijuana.

A Hungarian and two Serbian men were then arrested in Budapest on April 7 by units of counter-terrorism force TEK. Searches of their properties yielded several kilograms of hashish and cocaine as well as shrink wrapping machines, digital scales and plastic bags.

A total of 27kg of drugs were seized from the three men, with a black market value of close to 150 million forints. All four men are under arrest on suspicion of drug trafficking.

A Hungarian member of the ring managed to escape and domestic, European and international arrest warrants have been issued against him, KR NNI said.


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