Traffic Warning: ‘Peace March’ in Downtown Budapest on 1 June, Orbán to Attend

  • 23 May 2024 12:14 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Traffic Warning: ‘Peace March’ in Downtown Budapest on 1 June, Orbán to Attend
A Peace March organised for June 1 will convey the message of “stop here and go no further” to European leaders “burning with war psychosis”, the founder of the pro-government Civic Union (CÖF) and head of the associated CÖKA foundation told a press conference.

László Csizmadia said the march will start out in a situation when “Paris, London and perhaps also Berlin envision a nuclear war, forgetting Hiroshima and Nagasaki”.

The message of the march will be that European Union voters can opt for peace on June 9, “stopping the horrors of the Russia-Ukraine war and choosing life over death”, he added.

The participants of the march will gather at the Pest side of Chain Bridge between 11am and 1pm, then move along the riverbank and cross over to Margaret Island, he said.

In response to a question, Csizmadia said that according to information from Tamás Menczer, the ruling parties’ communications director, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will participate in the march.



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