Applying AI 'Correctly' is Key, Says Hungarian Competition Authority President

  • 24 Oct 2024 6:30 AM
Applying AI 'Correctly' is Key, Says Hungarian Competition Authority President
Csaba Balazs Rigo, who heads the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH), said the "broad and correct" application of artificial intelligence could have a big positive impact on local businesses' productivity and competitiveness, addressing an international conference organised for European Competition Day in Budapest.

The conference of experts, hosted in the framework of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the European Union, is discussing the relation between competitiveness, sustainability and competition policy; the Digital Markets Act and competition policy; and the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence.

Rigo said that SMEs needed to be exposed to and make preparations to apply AI as soon as possible in order to prevent market concentration.

Balazs Peter Molnar, a deputy state secretary at the EU Affairs Ministry, said AI required a European-level response urgently and acknowledged GVH's market analysis of AI on the technology market and consumer practices.

He added that competition policy could help level the playing field for smaller businesses in innovative areas.

Around 200 experts and decision-makers from close to 30 countries participated at the conference.

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MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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