Magyar: Fidesz 'Has Cheated' the Hungarian People

  • 23 Oct 2024 2:01 PM
Magyar: Fidesz 'Has Cheated' the Hungarian People
Leader of the opposition Tisza Party Peter Magyar on Tuesday accused ruling Fidesz of having "cheated" Hungarians by "preaching" about a rural, family and child-friendly, bourgeois Hungary while making the country "the poorest and most corrupt country in the European Union".

"Enough is enough!" Magyar said in a statement. "The story of 1956 is now our story!"

He insisted that Hungarians were a freedom-loving people who wanted a patriotic government, but they did not want 3,000,000 compatriots "living below subsistence level".

Under a Tisza Party government, maternity hospitals in rural areas would not be shut down but renovated, while public health care and education would be developed rather than run down, the statement said.

Among the policies he promised were lower VAT, higher family benefits and pensions, channelling EU funds into family farms, and anti-corruption measures.

In reaction, Fidesz's communications director said that Magyar speaking of the importance of patriotism was like a "whiskey robber saying that breaking and entering a bank isn't a nice".

"Everyone knows that Peter Magyar only loves himself; and Manfred Weber, too, because his right to immunity is in his hands..." Tamas Menczer said, adding that Magyar had chosen to become an MEP so as to gain immunity from criminal prosecution.

Menczer added that together with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, they wanted to topple the sovereignist Hungarian government and create a puppet government under Magyar's leadership.

Tisza Party abstains in EP vote on Ukraine support

MEPs of the opposition Tisza Party abstained in a European parliamentary vote on a proposal to set up a Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism, and on a new loan to Ukraine, the party told MTI in a statement on Tuesday.

The party firmly condemns Russian aggression against Ukraine and is convinced that it is the aggressor's duty to pay for the damage caused and that the Ukrainian people must be given help, the statement said. The delegation abstained because of provisions on the purchase and delivery of weapons, it said.

It said that "it wasn't an easy decision at all," citing as a reason "a lack of unambiguous indications regarding the use of revenues from frozen Russian assets".

The party also proposed allocating more funding for the rebuilding of Ukraine, the statement said.

Tisza said it had informed in advance the EPP about its decision.

At its plenary session in Strasbourg, the EP adopted the decision on setting up the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and Macro-Financial Assistance for the country.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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