Janos Balázs to Perform All Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies

  • 23 Oct 2024 1:33 PM
Janos Balázs to Perform All Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies
Kossuth Prize-winning pianist Janos Balazs will perform all nineteen of Ferenc Liszt's rhapsodies to mark the birth anniversary of legendary pianist and celebrated Liszt-exponent Gyorgy Cziffra.

The concert taking place on Nov 5 at the Budapest Academy of Music kicks off the 10th Cziffra Festival, and provides the chance to get a rounded picture of Liszt's oeuvre.

The concert will be preceded by a presentation of the Young Talent Award, founded by the Cziffra Festival, the Innovative Music Project Award and the Kobanya local council, the organisers said on Tuesday.

Also, an exhibition showing the life and artistic career of Cziffra opens in the House of Music in cooperation with the Foundation for Hungarian Culture and the Petofi Cultural Agency.

Click here to know more about the Festival

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MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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