Public Resistance Scuppers Chinese Battery Investment in Eastern Hungary Town

  • 1 Oct 2024 7:22 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Public Resistance Scuppers Chinese Battery Investment in Eastern Hungary Town
The mayor of Heves, Sándor Sveiczer, has announced that he will terminate a pre-contract with Chinese company BYN Hungary and seek a new investor, according to Economx.

BYN Chemical company had planned to produce N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), a dangerous solvent necessary for the production of EV batteries, which has been restricted by the European Commission since 2018.

Initially, Sveiczer considered holding a referendum to gauge public opinion due to strong local opposition, but ultimately moved forward with the project, which has now been cancelled.

This situation resembled another failed battery plant project in Alsózsolca, where public resistance halted plans to build an EV battery recycling centre, planned by Slovene company Andrada with the government contributing almost 50% of the Ft 10 billion costs.

The government subsequently moved the project to Sóskút in Pest county, where it has also encountered resistance from local residents.

Sveiczer aims to attract an investor who will create jobs and provide long-term tax benefits for Heves.


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