Valuska Winner: Hungarian Opera Takes Prize for Best Premiere at International Awards

  • 4 Oct 2024 8:04 AM
Valuska Winner: Hungarian Opera Takes Prize for Best Premiere at International Awards
Valuska, Peter Eotvos's 13th opera, won the prize for best premiere at the International Opera Awards in Munich on Wednesday, the Hungarian State Opera House said in a statement.

The opera commissioned by the Budapest Opera House in 2018 was Eotvos's last and the only one in Hungarian, based on The Melancholy of Resistance, a Man Booker Prize-winning novel by Laszlo Krasznahorkai.

Bence Varga directed while Mari Mezei, Eotvos's widow, was the principal librettist. The opera was conducted by Kalman Szenna.

At the award gala in Munich on Wednesday night, Varga said Eotvos had paid close attention to the production despite his grave illness. His last public appearance was at the opera's premiere on December 2, 2023, Varga said. Eotvos died in early 2024.

Singers included Zsolt Haja, Adrienn Miksch, Tunde Szaboki, Maria Farkasreti and Andras Habetler.

Valuska is available free of charge on until Dec 2, and is expected to return to the Opera House's stage in 2025-2026.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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