Updated: Brangelina & Chuck Norris Join in Charity Drive for Kids Care Home in Hungary

  • 27 Dec 2024 11:33 AM
Updated: Brangelina & Chuck Norris Join in Charity Drive for Kids Care Home in Hungary
Hollywood star Chuck Norris has again joined the Hungarian public media's annual charity drive dubbed "Good to be Good" with a donation, Duna TV said on Facebook showing a video message by the actor and his wife.

The 13th donation drive raises money for the construction of a hospice children care home run by the Hungarian Baptist Charity near Budapest.

The construction is already under way but the project needs additional donations to be fully completed.

Norris this time has offered one of his signature cowboy hats for an auctione to be held in a public media programme on Dec 22.

A Herendi porcelaine vase he has signed will also be listed among objects up for bidding.

He first joined the charity drive in 2021 offering a book he signed.

Other stars joining the programme before include Bud Spencer, Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Patric Duffy and Lewis Hamilton.

Public media raises HUF 516 m for children’s hospice homes

Hungary's public media raised 516 million forints (EUR 1.2m) for the Tabitha Children’s Hospice House near Budapest run by the Hungarian Baptist Aid, and the construction of a new children’s hospice home as part of its annual "Good to be Good" charity campaign, according to the programme closing out the campaign on public television channel Duna late on Sunday.

Daniel Papp, the CEO of Hungary's Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA), said the "Good to be Good" charity drive was one of the "flagships" of public media, which brought together "a concentration of love and unity".

"We prepare for it all year long; it’s a very important initiative and the cooperation gets broader every year,"
 he said. "There are few programmes that reach this many Hungarians."

Papp thanked those who had donated and taken part in the movement. He promised that public media will show the hospice home being built, and everyone would see that the money raised had gone "to the best place possible".

Bela Szilagyi, the head of the Hungarian Baptist Aid, said the money raised would make it possible to complete the construction of the children’s hospice home and buy most of the medical equipment needed.

Photo courtesy of Northfoto.com

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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